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Hours of Operation

9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm

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Want to talk to an attorney? Schedule a consultation.

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O'Flaherty Law Of Arlington Heights
Learn About Our Remote Law Approach

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my consultation will be free or pre-paid?


The type of legal issue determines whether a consultation is free or paid. You will know whether your consultation is free or paid before agreeing to move forward.

Free consultations
are designed to accomplish 2 things: 1) for the attorney to gather some basic facts about your situation and identify your needs, and 2) to let you know how O'Flaherty Law can help by informing you how long it could take, and how much it could cost. Free consultations DO NOT involve answering specific legal questions or giving legal advice.

Pre-Paid consultations are designed to answer specific legal questions, provide legal advice on your legal matter, advise you of your rights, and set case strategy, if needed.

How much will my consultation cost?


If your consultation is a pre-paid consultation, it will be scheduled for 30 min to 1 hour and cost between $195 and $385 dollars. You will know the cost of your consult and what will be included before agreeing to move forward. The type of legal issue generally determines what questions need to be answered, investigation necessary and review of documents during the consultation. Our priority is to make sure your questions are answered and a plan is developed that addresses your legal needs.

Depending on your legal matter, your consultation may be a free consultation or a paid consultation. It is important to understand the purpose of a free consultation. Free consultations are designed for the attorney to learn the basic information about your legal situation and how O'Flaherty Law may be able to help. Free consultations are not for the attorney to advise you of your rights, give specific legal advice, answer legal questions, or to set case strategy.

What topics are covered in my paid consultation?


Much like when you go to the doctor, you may tell the intake staff what your issue is, but the doctor ultimately diagnoses and makes a plan for your care. We take your legal matters very seriously, which is why with each consultation, we strive to ensure you feel confident about the future of your case.

In a paid consultation, your attorney may discuss your legal rights, review the specifics of your case, answer your questions, explain the potential cost of your legal services and how a retainer fee works (if applicable), and lay out next steps in your case.

In a free consultation, the attorney will work to determine whether we can help, provide a summary of the recommended next step, and explain the cost of the next step, which would be either a paid consultation or you making the decision to retain us. In a free consultation, the attorney will not be able to discuss your specific legal rights as it pertains to your case, and they will not perform an in-depth review of the specifics of your case.